Forget your past, forgive yourself
We all make mistakes. We've all failed at something, or worse, hurt someone we love. But how do you move on from this? How do you forgive yourself and let go of the past so that you can live a happy life now?
How Do You Forgive Yourself?
What are some ways that you can forgive yourself?
First, it's important to understand that you can't change the past. What has happened already has happened and there's nothing anyone can do about it now. It is what it is, so don't beat yourself up for things that are out of your control. Instead, take accountability for how you respond to a difficult situation or experience and make sure that next time around, when faced with a similar situation or experience, you will handle it better than before.
Second, learn from your mistakes so they don’t happen again! Remember this quote: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it” – George Santayana (1863-1952). Think through how decisions were made in the past and consider whether there were other options available at the time but just weren't explored due to fear or uncertainty surrounding those options' potential outcomes; if this is true then look at how these new options would have changed things for everyone involved...and more importantly for yourself too!
Forgive Others
Forgiveness is a choice, not an obligation. Forgiveness does not mean forgetting. It does not mean condoning the behavior of another. It does not mean allowing someone to hurt you again or letting them off the hook for their actions. Forgiveness means accepting what happened in your life and moving on from it—not because you have to, but because you want to allow yourself peace and happiness. And that feeling of peace and happiness can be yours every day if you choose it!
Stop Worrying About What Other People Are Thinking
Stop worrying about what other people are thinking.
It's okay to care about your friends and family's opinions, but not everyone else. The only thing that really matters when it comes to others' opinions is whether they accept you as you are—and even then, they don't have to be happy with how things turned out in your life. Most of the time, they probably aren't even thinking about you at all!
Stop worrying about what other people are doing.
You can't control what anyone else does or how they live their lives; you only have control over yourself and your own actions. If someone else isn't making the choices that make them happy, it doesn't affect you if those choices involve alcohol or drugs, or staying up late playing video games instead of going to bed early because they're tired (like yours do). All this will do is make it harder for these people who aren't doing anything interesting from seeing any good movies because no one wants to go see them play video games all night long either... so maybe just let them play? It'll be fun for both of us!
Don't Compare Yourself To Anyone Else
The problem is that when we see others doing well, it's easy to look for reasons why we're not. You might think, "My friend got promoted at work and I didn't." Or: "That guy looks great in his new car!" But if you want to be happy, avoiding comparison is essential.
It's important to note here that the comparison doesn't have to be specific or intentional—it can just happen automatically. There are many ways in which this happens: comparing your accomplishments with those of others; comparing your body type with theirs; comparing how much time you spend with friends and family members versus other people (or the lack thereof). If a person has a better job than yours or makes more money than yours, then they're probably living a better life overall than yours—but why? Because they chose different priorities over time? Because they worked harder than you did?
Don't beat yourself up over what other people have chosen for themselves!
Stop Expecting Perfection From Yourself
You are not perfect. You are human. You are unique, imperfect and a work in progress, just like everyone else on this planet. You are not alone.
This is great news because it means you can stop expecting perfection from yourself! When we expect perfection from ourselves, we always fall short of it and feel disappointed with our own performance or abilities, which leads to low self-esteem and self-worth. But when we accept that no one is perfect—even yourself—we're more likely to have healthy relationships with others and feel good about who we are right now instead of waiting for some imaginary future version of ourselves to show up at some point down the road when everything will finally be "perfect".
Own Your Mistakes And Move On
It's time to own up to your mistakes and move on. You are not perfect, and you never will be. So stop trying to be someone else's idea of someone who is perfect. You are human, and as such, you will make mistakes. It's inevitable! The only thing we can really control is how we react to what happens in our lives—and that applies whether you're facing an error or a failure (or both).
The best way forward is forgiveness: forgive yourself for making a mistake or failing at something; forgive others for not being perfect themselves; forgive life itself for sometimes being hard or unfair. Let go of the past so that you can truly live in the present moment—which also means accepting whatever situation has put you here in this point in time, whether good or bad (and yes, even if it's both!).
If there's anything I've learned from taking risks (aka getting hurt), it's that growth doesn't happen unless we allow ourselves room outside our comfort zone--if nothing else than by simply admitting where our boundaries lie!
Learn To Let Go Of Things You Can't Control
The first step to letting go of the past is being able to identify what exactly is dragging you down. Is it a specific event or situation that happened in your life? A mistake you made?
Maybe it's something more abstract, like the fact that you feel like you're not living up to your potential. Whatever it is, try to name it—this will help make moving forward easier because once you admit what's holding you back, recognizing that energy in yourself and around others becomes easier.
Once we've identified our own self-destructive patterns and ways of thinking, we can start realizing how they keep us stuck in our own heads. When we worry about things outside of our control (like other people), we're wasting time on something that doesn't serve us in any way—and yet we do this all day long!
You can move on and live a happy life now.
The point of this article is to remind you that the past is over and done with. You can't change it, but you can control your future.
You can't control other people, but you can control yourself. You are in charge of your own actions and reactions.
You have a choice: if someone hurts or wrongs you, do they get to keep hurting or wronging others? Or will their actions serve as an example for what not to do? The choice has already been made by many people who've gone before us—they chose forgiveness instead of resentment and revenge because they realized those things only hurt them more than anyone else!
But despite all that knowledge, we still find ourselves struggling sometimes not just with forgiving others but even forgiving ourselves...
If you’re struggling with forgiving yourself, then you may feel like there is no hope. But that’s not the case! You are not alone, and it is possible to forgive yourself. The first step is admitting that there is a problem that needs fixing. Next, understand what forgiveness means and why it's important in your life today; without this understanding, your journey toward self-forgiveness will be much more difficult than necessary. Once you've taken these steps toward self-forgiveness—or if they're still ahead of you—then start working on moving forward with your life: forget about what happened in the past and focus on creating something new for yourself instead!
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