Understanding That You Are Enough

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Understanding That You Are Enough

Understanding That You Are Enough

We live in a time where we are bombarded with adverts telling us how we can be enough. We see posts on social media by celebrities and influencers that instill in our minds what it means to be enough. However, the truth is that you simply are enough. It is only when you understand that you are enough would you be able to live the best life.

True love stems from an acceptance of oneself and not what others perceive you as or even caring about their acceptance. When we think of our nature, there are certain things that we cannot expect to change about ourselves or should we want to change about ourselves to please others. Those things are what define you and make you beautiful. You might think to yourself that your flaws are what hold you down. However, they are the most beautiful thing about you and the only things that lift you up and make you stand out in a world full of people trying to be someone they are not.

When you continuously chase someone else's idea of being enough, you can sometimes lose touch of who you are. It prevents you from succeeding in life or building meaningful relationships that make life worth living. Now, it is easy to say that we understand that we are enough. However, it is something that most of us struggle with throughout our lives. It does not matter how old or young you might be, understanding that you are enough is a continuous process. It requires you to reflect on your achievements and the effort that you had put into making things work.

Profound Effect

Reflecting on being enough has a profound effect on how you look at life and the way people treat you. It prevents you from viewing yourself through the perspective of another person. Instead, you get to look within which allows you to truly accept who you are and move past expectations. The only person you need to accept yourself and tell you that you are enough is you. There is no reason for you to beat yourself up or feel unworthy. If you do not accept yourself or think that you are enough, nobody else will. It all starts with you as you are the only universe that needs exploring.  

Real love begins on the inside. How can you expect to give love when you do not love yourself? You need to love yourself if you want to make your life better. When you constantly tell yourself that you are not enough, you let others know that you are not enough and that they should not fully accept you. Therefore, you must stop looking at yourself so critically and be more compassionate towards yourself.


The only takeaway that you need to take from our post is that you are enough the way you are and that you have always been enough. Nobody can tell you otherwise. If they bring you down, their company is not worth pursuing. 

It does not matter how old or young you might be, understanding that you are enough is a continuous process.

motivational quotes positive

an acceptance of oneself

You Are Enough.

You need to  love yourself.

Accept who you are

Life's Sadness, My Happiness.

Quotes About Staying Strong.

Friday, June 4, 2021

Quotes About Staying Strong.


The Importance of Staying Strong

Life is not rainbows or unicorns

Things do not always go according to plan and that is perfectly fine. If you feel that you lose hope or feel angry everything something goes wrong, you need to learn to stay strong. It does not rain all the time and things will get better eventually. However, you cannot let the tough times break you down. Instead, you need to stay strong and be resilient.

Avoid Wasting Time Feeling Sorry For Yourself

Nobody likes someone who has a victim mentality. If someone says something or things do not go how you want them to does not mean that the world if out to get you. There is no reason for you to waste time feeling sorry for yourself. Get over it. We all go through difficulty. It is what makes us human. However, we do go through life differently and it is those people that make it out alive that understand that staying strong is crucial. Mental fortitude is something that you need to establish by not feeling sorry for yourself. Take some responsibility for your actions and keep moving forward to start a new chapter.

Never Allow Others to Talk Down to You

As a mentally strong person, you get to take control of your life and have no trouble working with others. However, one cannot allow others to belittle or abuse them. You need to understand that you have the power to put a stop to their behavior. Nobody would do something unless you let them. It is as simple as that. Therefore, if someone talks down to you, you need to stand up for yourself and tell them to put an end to it.

Accept Change

Staying strong equips you with the ability to accept change. It is here to stay. Hence, you should not resist it. Instead, learn to embrace change and you will become stronger than you think. It is only when you resist change do you make things harder for yourself. It is perfectly fine to have a fear of the unknown. However, it should not be holding you back from living the best life that you deserve. Being strong requires you to view change as new opportunity. Navigate uncharted waters through flexibility.

Avoid Pleasing Others

Mentally strong people do not waste time pleasing others or making enemies. They are too busy living their lives and not caring about what others think. It is important that you treat everyone fairly including yourself. It is completely fine to say no and set some boundaries. Nobody should be upset with you over such things as you are an adult who has every right to live their life the way they want to.


The importance of staying strong cannot be stressed enough. Only when you are mentally strong are you able to steer through the difficulties that come your way. Do not let anything get to you. It is the secret to being strong. Always remember that you are stronger than you think and that you can do everything. 

Quotes About Staying Strong.

Quotes About Staying Strong.

Quotes About Staying Strong.

It is perfectly fine to have a fear of the unknown. However, it should not be holding you back from living the best life that you deserve. Being strong requires you to view change as new opportunity.

Quotes About Staying Strong.

Quotes About Staying Strong.

You Have To be Strong Enough To Create Your Own Happiness.