Do You Have Trust Issues or Are They Just An Issue?
Monday, April 12, 2021
Do You Have Trust Issues or Are They Just An Issue?

Please share these around the internet as they might help someone in need! Spread positivity to all corners of the world!

People who constantly discard your trust in them have no place ever asking to to forge them a "trust me badge". People need to understand that trust is a once in a lifetime uniquely made token that CANNOT be replicated and if they have the audacity to discard it or lose it they must be the ones to find it.
People will constantly show up in your life and discard the trust you put in them and then turn around and do everything in their power to convince you that somehow you were wrong and that they are sorry, but be aware of the subtle manipulation, did they really pick up the trust you gave them?
Actions not only speak louder than words, they are all that matter in a situation like this. If a person is trustworthy they will be trustworthy there is no in-between no matter how hard they try to convince you that there is.
Do yourself a favor and ALWAYS make sure that people understand how important and unique the trust you gave them is and if they cannot see how precious it is then they did not deserve it in the first place and the consequence is all on them. Forgive them for tossing your trust to the side, but never expend your energy trying to turn an untrustworthy person into a person who can be trusted.