Quotes To Empower Your Life.
Please share these around the internet as they might help someone in need! Spread positivity to all corners of the world!
It's time to be empowered and create a life that you love!
Expressing gratitude.
Cultivate optimism even in a negative environment.
Practice kindness always.
Nurture loving
relationships with everyone.
Stay committed to a meaningful life.
Know that Relationship goals is whatever you say it is.
Know that it's ok to not only enjoy life’s little
pleasures but also the big ones too.

Minding your own business and not worrying too much about what's going on in the life of others is the greatest gift you could ever give yourself. Too many people would rather see you focus ALL your energy on them and would prefer that you simply forget about yourself in the process, but that is not going to fly anymore right?
Self-love is minding your own business.

If they aren't going to spend even an ounce of energy doing right by you, then why are you spending ALL OF YOUR ENERGY on making sure they are all good? Why are you going all out for people who don;t do right by you? You need to have more people in your life that will match your energy! Reciprocation is the word! At the very least you need to make sure that the people you allow in your life are at the very least not just TAKING from you and are also adding SOMETHING to your life!
Self-love is making sure that people treat you right.

Love is not supposed to feel like a ball and chain, leaving you feeling stuck and heavy! Love is freedom! Love takes a lot of work but it should never feel like a job! Love is NOT synonymous with control.

if they have the nerve to create unnecessary drama in your life it's time to walk away from them AND the drama. You have more important things that you could be spending your time and energy on. make sure that they know that by the actions that you take. What you allow in your life matters.

No matter what's going on in life you need to make sure that your ability to expand the size and depth of your love remains intact! Remember that it all starts with Self-love, and that you have to be willing to love yourself so that you can more effectively love others!

It's so important to have to courage to practice self-love.
Never let a cheater convince that being cheated on is OK. It's not and never will be ok.

Remember your own worth!