Some Quotes To Live By and Some Quotes To Consider.
Living your best life is going to take a little work.

Never let anyone convince you that they hold the key to any of the doors that you want to open in life. You are the key and all you have to do is use your will and open the door. You don't bend to their will anymore.

Some people will try to play games with your happiness and some might even succeed for a short amount of time, but it's up to you to let them know that something like that will never fly in your life again. Your life, your rules. No exceptions. You don't play by their rules anymore.

You don't have to put up with disloyal and uncaring people in your life anymore. You deserve to be around people who actually give a damn about you and are willing to actually take you and your feelings into consideration.
When you set boundaries in your life you need to have people around you that will respect them, because if they don't respect your boundaries can they really say that they love and respect you? No, no they cannot. If a person can step over the line that you drew in the sand so easily they probably never cared about how you felt in the first place. Don't allow ANYONE to step over the boundaries that you set in your life.

Nobody on this earth has more control over your happiness than you do and yet we live in a world where some people will do just about anything to have you convinced that they hold your happiness in the palm of their hand and that they can do whatever they wish with it and that is so far from the truth. You are your happiness do you understand that? Don't let them mess with your happiness! Don't let them mess with you!

Certain people in life seem to take pleasure in manipulating the emotions of others for their gain, That won't be you! That is over and done with isn't it? Nobody can manipulate your emotions better than you can! Choose happiness and positivity over the unhappiness and negativity that certain people try to inject into your life.

It doesn't matter if its a Relationship, Friendship, or complicationship you do not let anyone take your love and kindness for granted. You will always deserve better than that in your life and all you have to do is truly know that and you will never allow people to take you for granted ever again I promise you that much.