Inspirational Quotes About Life And Happiness
Friday, July 12, 2019
Inspirational Quotes About Life And Happiness.

Live your life with the expectation that you will strive for your happiness no matter what. Be a savage at all fucking times and reach for your best life.

Life doesn't last forever! Get up and get going toward a better life! You don't have time to wait and never let anyone else convince you otherwise because those very same people who are trying to convince you that wasting time is good are probably trying to use up your time and energy for themselves. Our time here is limited so you might as well make the best of it right?

You don't have to continue to deal with other people's bullshit if you don't want to. Trust me, you have better things to do with your life and greater things to achieve than wasted time on bullshit creating people. Enough is enough.

When life decides that it wants to put a barrier in the way of something you want TURN THAT WALL INTO A DOOR THAT NEVER CLOSES! Do whatever you can to make dreams into reality and never let obstacles close you off from what you need in your life.

Don't let anything or anyone shake your spirit, your strength and self-belief are too strong for that.

Don't let people add unnecessary weight to you life, all its going to do is weigh you down and while you are sinking all they are going to do is watch you and move onto the next person they think that they can manipulate into carrying their negativity.

You are too strong to allow this world or anyone in it to make you bow down to them. They aren't strong enough to make you bend the knee! Never forget how strong you are damn it. NEVER FORGET!

People get so mad and salty when you finally work up the strength and courage to move on from them but that is what it takes sometimes to elevate yourself to the next level in life. They don't need to understand the meaning behind it, only you do. Move on when you feel like you need too without hesitation and without regrets.

Always stay genuine no matter what. Be real at all times!