If you can be made to feel yourself as being broken into pieces by others, you also have the ability to make yourself whole again. life is made up of a variety of good and bad, highs and lows, strengths and weaknesses, and a multitude of memories.
You have to see yourself as more than just a broken person and you might find that you have the resources and will to not only cope with certain circumstances, but also change them.
In my opinion, I have found that 'time can and will heal all wounds that you allow it to heal'.
The simple fact is, that you can either let everything and everyone cause you more pain, increased sadness, and deep emotional hurt in your life or have the courage to pick yourself up and defend yourself from whatever it is in life that has you feeling broken. It's time to reforge, reinforce, and reinvent yourself.
This will not be an easy task, heck, you might even need some help along the way.
A Loving family and supportive friends can be so much help. They can be a great motivator to help pull yourself back together, but watch out, they can also be the very reason you broke into pieces in the first place. Keep an open mind and take the time to see who is really in your corner.
All that hurt, all that frustration, all that control being stripped away from you, and all the sadness from the past has to be worked out by you, for you, remember that. This isn't meant to be an easy task and there will probably be a lot of crying and hurt feelings along the way, but all the hidden issues have to be revealed before you can ever hope make amends with yourself, other people, and certain situations that truly deserve a positive outcome. Life can be unpredictable in so many ways, it truly is a hard journey. But it is a journey that must happen.
Life causes us to fall, and sometimes we break… that is a part of life. What really matters is what you do after the fact.
You have to piece yourself back together, you have to want to improve things that you don't like about yourself, and continue to love the things that you do. You need to be proud of yourself, you deserve that feeling of accomplishment. It's not easy to focus only on the positive, let the things that make you angry slide, stop yourself from saying something you'll regret in the future, and Knowing that keeping your mouth shut when someone else is angry and is taking it out on you is not okay and putting an immediate stop to it. These are just a few examples of just how many situations we have to navigate in life, but navigate we must!
When all is said and done, you will get to a place in life where your tranquility is so protected and positivity so cemented in your being that you will tell yourself, "It's not worth it, I'm not getting
involved with this type of thing for the sake of my peace." If you take the time to work on yourself, you can't help but enrich
your walk in this life.
Letting go isn't about giving in, it's just
protecting your happiness. Life is so much easier, way more productive, and just
happier that way.

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