A 6 Step Foundation

Trust in relationships is not just a single building block, but the entire foundation of being happy together, and without a stable foundation how can one hope to forge an unbreakable and healthy relationship.
If trust is not found the love will surely fall apart, since nothing is built in a day and as such trust will not be built in a single instance, but before moving on to the next steps of love this foundation must be established first. Below is a small list of necessities:
- Trustworthiness is a must.
- Always stay faithful to the one you love.
- Mutual assurance that you feel wanted by one another.
- No roaming eye's (keep those eye's on the one you love).
- Make an honest effort to spend quality time together with no interruption.
- Be sure that support is mutual.
With these 6 rules as a foundation
and a lot of hard work, building a relationship that is both strong and
healthy is without a doubt possible. it just takes the right mindset
and hard work.
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