Free Yourself From...

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Free yourself so you can be happy.

  • Free yourself from labels.
  • Free yourself from negative people.
  • Free your mind.
  • Free your soul.
  • Free your love.
  • Free your happiness.
  • Free you.

No Room For Lies



Some people literally want you to make room for them AND their lies. Instead of that tell them to evict the lies from the relationship/friendship or get evicted themselves. Don't let liars take up space in your life.

You can occupy that space with so many positive things instead. Rebuke the lies and remove the liars from your life. Lets be honest if they refuse to be truthful.they didn't even care about you int he first place.

Receive the blessing and Remove the Burden

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Its time receive the blessings and rebuke the burdens.

  Its time receive the blessings and rebuke the burdens.

Some people in your life literally refuse to be a blessing and instead settle for being nothing but a burden in your life as if doing so is the sole purpose for existing. Well times up for people like that you will either be a blessing in my life or you will quickly find yourself cut out of it. The time of accepting burdens in the form of people has long past. Its time receive the blessings and rebuke the burdens. 
Sometimes you just have to separate yourself from people

 Sometimes you just have to separate yourself from people that do not fan your flames. The only way to elevate your life is to get rid of the extra burden. Let them go and rise.

Don't Overestimate The People Around You

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Don't overestimate the loyalty of the people around you and don't underestimate your ability to know when someone is being disloyal and be ready to dismiss them at will.

The truth is that 9 times out of 10 people are only going to be loyal as long as it benefits them in some way, and you have to make sure that you remember that because trusting the wrong people with too much of your heart is almost always going to end with you feeling betrayed.

Don't overestimate the loyalty of the people around you and don't underestimate your ability to know when someone is being disloyal and be ready to dismiss them at will.

10 ways to generate more happiness in your life

Sunday, April 21, 2019

10 ways to generate more happiness in your life

10 ways to generate more happiness in your life

10 ways to generate more happiness in your life

10 ways to generate more happiness in your life

10 ways to generate more happiness in your life

10 ways to generate more happiness in your life

10 ways to generate more happiness in your life

10 ways to generate more happiness in your life

10 ways to generate more happiness in your life

10 ways to generate more happiness in your life

10 ways to generate more happiness in your life

10 ways to generate more happiness in your life

10 ways to generate more happiness in your life10 ways to generate more happiness in your life

Love is such a complex thing

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Love is such a complex thing but once you accept that imperfection is not settling for less the complexities of said love will start to become a bit more practical.


Having 100% devotion to another is no small feat but it is a must, devotion connects half's into a whole and with that connection a deeper meaning of love is found. A relationship that lacks devotion to one another is bound to fail because without it even though they are in each others space they will be experiencing a distance of the heart.

Having devotion is love. Also a nice surprise every now and then, to show that significant other that you are thinking about them is never...EVER... a bad thing. Not a single person on this great earth does not want to feel loved and assured that they matter. so surprise one another with a token of your love whatever it may be its the thought that ultimately counts, diamonds can be a plus one also tho.  

Material objects should NOT define your relationship but like most things they have a time and place. Having devotion is love, so stay devout to the one you love.

Love is such a complex thing but once you accept that imperfection is not settling for less the complexities of said love will start to become a bit more practical.

 Also know that over analyzing every.. single... little.. thing is a surefire way to have the relationship crumble to pieces in quick fashion, looking for problems even though they do not exist will undoubtedly become a hindrance to any love life. Over analyzing is not love its just really, really annoying.

With that being said no relationship will ever be perfect, it will without a doubt be a series of crazy ups and downs. Nobody is perfect, and as such expecting a relationship to be smooth sailing the whole way is just not realistic because it takes hard work and commitment toward each other to make it through the rough times that will inevitably come to pass.

Love is such a complex thing but once you accept that imperfection is not settling for less the complexities of said love will start to become a bit more practical.

Love is such a complex thing but once you accept that imperfection is not settling for less the complexities of said love will start to become a bit more practical.

Be happy for you

Be happy for you

Its YOUR happiness and its not a requirement that everyone understands what that entails. Be happy for you

Passion, Purpose, And Gratitude.

Passion, Purpose, And Gratitude.

Start the week with the best version of you and end it with an even better version! Positivity will show you the way and hard work will pave the road all that's left is for you to walk toward your success. Own this week with PPG, Passion, Purpose, And Gratitude..


Monday, April 15, 2019

You are going to stand up for yourself no matter how uncomfortable the situation because you owe it to yourself.



  • Don't let certain things slide. You don't have to put up with disrespect. Don't tolerate things that upset you.

  • Become a fearless human being by accepting the fact that you do not have to deal with the shit people try to shove into your life. You are going to become fearless in your response to people who think that they can just do whatever they want while being in your life.  

  • Stop asking permission and stop seeking validation to live your life. Be yourself and live your life as you want. Part of living your best life is deciding what opinions you want to accept and which opinions you wish to deny. 

    You are going to stand up for yourself no matter how uncomfortable the situation because you owe it to yourself.

Your Confidence And Strength

Friday, April 12, 2019

Increasing your Confidence And Strength of character is an important part of self-care/self-love.

Know your worth. Don't let people keep up the disrespect unchecked. While they try their hardest to tear you down you need to focus on building up your confidence and strength to a level that it becomes impossible for anyone to ever tear you down again.

Increasing your Confidence And Strength of character is an important part of self-care/self-love.

An Honest Truth

Monday, April 8, 2019

An Honest Truth

You need to spend some time doing the things that make you truly feel good. Find new ways to still be productive in your life/work but also do your own personal creative projects that will bring you some joy.

Continue to work on yourself and believe that you are ready to be happy and successful. 

Don’t Hesitate to Do This

Don’t Hesitate to Do This

Don't hesitate to live your best life. It's time to start giving your hopes and dreams a chance to flourish. Embrace positive changes, embrace a more positive reality, and make that change a reality.

Something To Remember In Life

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Something To Remember In Life

Don't let other people exert any control over your emotions. people don't deserve to have that much power over you, hell they don't deserve any power over you. Don't ever give your power away to someone else because all they are going to do is use it against you and string you along over and over. 

Once you give that kind of power away to another it can be very hard to get it back so it's best to never give it up in the first place.

Even in the midst of a storm

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

One of the most important moments on any journey in life is the moment you finally muster up the courage

Even in the midst of a storm

One of the most important moments on any journey in life is the moment you finally muster up the courage to let go of what can’t be changed and find the hope in what can. Treasure those simple moments and the experiences that life offers and be prepared to weather a few storms.

An easy journey to your happiness is not happening, there will be many bumps in the road and extremely rough waters that must travel in order to become the person you were meant to be.

Eventually the bumps in the road will go away for a time and the sea's will calm. You just have to be willing to endure.

You need to fill your own cup

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Say "yes" to yourself and get used to saying "no" to others.

Say "yes" to yourself and get used to saying "no" to others. You have to say yes to your needs and your wants before you can even truly consider helping another person effectively. You need to fill your own cup before you can even think about pouring some of your time and energy into another person's cup lest you end up totally drained.

Make sure that when you are giving that it is always from a place of abundance because the chances that people are going to reciprocate are slim. Always give with an open heart, but make sure that you do not exhaust your resources for the sake of others. An empty cup in life will do you no good.

Confidence and Happiness

Monday, April 1, 2019

Confidence and Happiness

You can be confident.
You can do this.
You can see your worth.
You can know you’re beautiful.
You can love yourself.
You can forgive them.
You can move on.
You can push through.
You will be happy.
You are confident. 
You are happy.