Having 100% devotion to another is no small feat but it is a must,
devotion connects half's into a whole and with that connection a deeper
meaning of love is found. A relationship that lacks devotion to one
another is bound to fail because without it even though they are in each
others space they will be experiencing a distance of the heart.
devotion is love. Also a nice surprise every now and then, to show that significant other that you are thinking about them is
never...EVER... a bad thing. Not a single person on this great earth
does not want to feel loved and assured that they matter. so surprise
one another with a token of your love whatever it may be its the thought
that ultimately counts, diamonds can be a plus one also tho.
Material objects should NOT define your relationship but like most things they have a time and place. Having
devotion is love, so stay devout to the one you
Also know that over analyzing every.. single... little.. thing is a surefire way to
have the relationship crumble to pieces in quick fashion, looking for
problems even though they do not exist will undoubtedly become a
hindrance to any love life.
Over analyzing is not love its just really, really annoying.
With that being said no
relationship will ever be perfect, it will without a doubt be a
series of crazy ups and downs. Nobody is perfect, and as such expecting a relationship to be
smooth sailing the whole way
is just not
realistic because it takes hard work and
commitment toward
each other to make it through the rough times that will inevitably come
to pass.
Love is such a complex thing
but once you accept that imperfection is not settling for less the
complexities of said love will start to become a bit more practical.