Happiness Over History
Friday, September 28, 2018

Let go of the past so you can have time to deal with the present. Be at peace with the present so you can also prepare for the future. Choose your happiness over hurt every single time. Self love is knowing how to deal with the things that you can from the past and also knowing when to let things go and move on.
If You Want Different
Thursday, September 27, 2018

It doesn't matter what it is change is never easy, it was never meant to be. But it is going to be necessary in order to obtain that relationship you deserve, that happiness you seek, and that future for yourself that leads to a happy ending.
Some people will need to be left behind, while others will need to be held closer than ever but regardless CHANGE IS A GOOD THING. Move different to change the outcome in your life and never let ANYONE restrict your movements.
Just live your life and be happy.
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
Do what's
best for you in life. If you do not maintain a certain level of self
care you are eventually going to break down because this world is a
constant fight. This world drains you of time, energy, and money by the second and that's
why loving yourself and living happily is so IMPORTANT to your ability
to live. To bring happiness and love to others you must first have it
for yourself. Just live your life and be happy.
Love Yourself More
Saturday, September 22, 2018

You deserve this.

Don't let them convince you otherwise.

Stand up for your self love.
Toxic people will do whatever it takes to create a toxic environment
because that is where they thrive. But you don't have to tolerate the negative things that
people try to bring into your environment. Remove these toxic people
from your life before they infect your happiness with high levels of
concentrated negativity.
It's impossible to live your best life while being surrounded by negativity all the time. I mean, who wants to live like that? Surround yourself with more positive people who want to grow with you and help you flourish, people that know how to reciprocate your feelings and the assistance you give instead of take take take. You deserve to be surrounded by the most positive and happy people that you can find! Trust me, your life will be much better for it.
It's impossible to live your best life while being surrounded by negativity all the time. I mean, who wants to live like that? Surround yourself with more positive people who want to grow with you and help you flourish, people that know how to reciprocate your feelings and the assistance you give instead of take take take. You deserve to be surrounded by the most positive and happy people that you can find! Trust me, your life will be much better for it.
They Don't Get A Say
Friday, September 21, 2018

Somebody in this world will always try to convince you that you are "less" or not "worthy" of something that you want in your life. Fuck them. They do not get to decide how high you want to climb in this life, you are the only one who gets to decide the path to your own happiness. Stop listening to the empty opinions that negative and toxic people have about you and gather up all of your courage so you can make your life what YOU want it to be, They are wrong. They always were and always will be. Live your best life always.
Adapt and Overcome
Thursday, September 20, 2018

Explore your path.
Learn from your path.
Conquer your path.
Own your life.
You have one life to live and you have the power to navigate this world and overcome whatever comes your way. Adapt and overcome. Learn and succeed.
From the past into the present
Wednesday, September 19, 2018

You have overcome so much and you will overcome whatever is coming. You are strong, willing, and able to do whatever it takes to succeed and be happy. Remember the strength you have to change the narrative of your own life and go the way that leads to happiness and love. Your past is what it is and your present is what you make it. Stay motivated, move forward, and leave the excuses and negative people behind.
Monday, September 17, 2018

You are strength personified! You have no time to underestimate yourself, instead I say believe that you can accomplish anything you set your mind too and your heart upon. You have all the world to get it done and all the will to see it through if you just believe in yourself. Trust in your power. Trust in your decisions. Trust in yourself.
You have to be there for yourself too
Saturday, September 15, 2018

You have to be there for yourself too. You cannot spend all your time and energy trying to help everyone around you. Show yourself the same love and care that you give to them every once in a while because you honestly deserve it too. Don't leave yourself behind.
Become The Embodiment of Success
Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Knowledge is your shield and your sword.
Control your mind and the battle is already won.

What goes on in your relationship is between you and your spouse.
Money is not the most important thing in life BUT it is important nonetheless. Don't let anyone convince you otherwise.
Your happiness should be paramount when it comes to your quality of life. Keep is close and protected from the world.
You Are
Monday, September 10, 2018

You are important.
You are love and positivity.
You are needed in this world.
You are doing and will do great things!
You will seek your happiness and find it!
You are the gift that is given to each day.
Seek out your worth. Know your worth and keep it close. Always remember your worth and protect it at all costs.
Qualified To Love
Sunday, September 9, 2018

Some people are not qualified to love you correctly and instead they tend to get love mixed up with toxic love. Love is supposed to uplift, change perspective on life, and altogether increase the quality of your life. Way too many people are moving past hurt right on into a new relationship and that is not ok. Nobody wants a toxic relationship and nobody deserves one. So evaluate who it is that you want to give your time and energy to at all times.
Know Your Value
Thursday, September 6, 2018
No more wasted time

Now is the time to just be.
Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Your "Then" was never meant to be more important than your "Now". "Then" has already passed and given us all the gift of "Now". Now is the time to enjoy life. Now is the time to enjoy love. Now is the time to be happy. Now is the time to just be.
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