Do They Give A Damn About You?

Friday, August 31, 2018

Now is the time to stop giving effort to those people who are not able to reciprocate the love, time, and money you give them

Now is the time to stop giving effort to those people who are not able to reciprocate the love, time, and money you give them. Why should you be the only only putting in 120% of the effort in your day to day relationships? If the other parties in your life will not put in the same amount of effort its simply time to remove them from your life and find some people ready and willing to be on your wavelength. That are ready and willing to be on your level. That are ready and willing to truly reciprocate. Save all that effort for the people that matter.

You deserve better

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Living your best life is knowing that you deserve better and figuring out a way to make that a reality.

You deserve better.

Sometimes you just know that you deserve better. Certain people are not treating you right and others are just completely disrespecting you. Well, don't feel bad for putting yourself first and deciding to remove yourself from the lives of people that take you for granted. Trust me, your life will be much better off without people like "them" around you. Your happiness needs to be the most important thing in your life right now instead of giving your energy to some disloyal human being who only knows how to use you. Living your best life is knowing that you deserve better and figuring out a way to make that a reality.

Other People’s Opinions Do Not Guide Your Life.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Other People’s Opinions Do Not Guide Your Life.

They might have an opinion, but why are you listening to it? They are beneath you. Let the noise fade into the background of your happiness and go on and live your best life.

Trust Your Journey

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Trust Your Journey

Walk towards happiness at your own pace. People are always going to try and rush you to some destination that THEY think is best for you, but why listen to them? This is your life, your walk, and your path. So walk with confidence and a feeling of complete and utter freedom from the opinions of others.

Deny their bullshit and accept peace instead

Monday, August 27, 2018

 NO you do not have to accept people coming into your life with baggage and bringing it to your sphere.

NO you do not have to accept people coming into your life with baggage and bringing it to your sphere. Your primary purpose in life is NOT to have to clean up after everyone else's mess, it is to enjoy YOUR life on YOUR terms and dealing is YOUR problems. Way too many people just think they deserve you in their life and often do everything they can to take advantage of you in the end. DO NOT LET THEM. Deny their bullshit and accept peace into your life instead.

Life is All About...

Friday, August 24, 2018

Live your best life with positivity.

Living your best life is all about finding the positive aspect IN ALL THINGS. Live your best life with positivity and nothing can ever bring you down.

You Are Powerful

Thursday, August 23, 2018

This world isn't strong enough to take you on!
Stand strong.

You are that powerful. Nothing can bring you down in this world unless you permit it to do so. No matter what comes your way you have the power to face it and overcome it without fear of defeat. Stand strong and never give up! This world isn't strong enough to take you on!

Dig Deep to Find Your Self-Trust.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

How can you truly be happy when you don't even trust yourself?
Happiness is self-trust.

Sometimes you have to dig deep to find your self-trust. A huge part of your journey in this life is the ability to trust yourself and knowing that the decisions you make are ultimately going to be for your own good. You need to do everything in your power to get to a place of deep understanding of who it is that you were, who you are, and who it is that you want to be so that you can take control of your life. How can you truly be happy when you don't even trust yourself?

It's time to trust yourself

  • Trust yourself when it comes to relationships.
  • Trust yourself when it comes life.
  • Trust yourself when it comes work.
  • Trust yourself when it comes to situations.

Just trust yourself.

Change YOUR world

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

You hold the power to change your world. Now is the time to wield it.
You hold the power to change your world. Now is the time to wield it.

  • Create your ability to live your best life.
  • Create you happiness.
  • Create your self-love.
YOU have the power to change your world and all you have to do is put it into action.

Some Things Must Come To An End.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Change is not always an easy thing to go through, but it is necessary for growth in your life.
The winds of change are upon us all.

Change is not always an easy thing to go through, but it is necessary for growth in your life. A sudden change in circumstances might be necessary for you to find a better path in life, though it is a life filled with ups and downs you should strive to have positive change affect your life as opposed to negative change, but remember you can only control so much and sometimes you just have to roll with the punches so to speak. Control what you can and brace yourself for what you can't, either way,
remain confident that you will make it out on the other side hopefully better off.

Happiness is something you have to get up and go get

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Get happiness today

Happiness will not come to you easily. Happiness is something you have to get up and go get after, we live in a world that literally seems to thrive off of negativity and yet in spite of that you are going to have to strive that much harder to resist that way of living and instead choose the more positive route for the sake of your happiness. So get up today and choose happiness, it's your time to be happy so start now!

Negative and Bitter People

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Watch out for negative and bitter people.

Negative and Bitter People


Negative and bitter people are like a slow acting poison to your happiness in life. They are inherently unhappy people, therefore they will most likely try to influence your happy to bring you down to their level, Don't let them! Negative people only end up Trying to destroy your confidence and ultimately lower your potential for a happy existence not to mention they have an uncanny way of ultimately trying to sabotage and all forms of success. Know the type of people you want to surround yourself with and move accordingly.

Detoxing From People

Monday, August 13, 2018

Detoxing From People
The people detox

Sometimes you just need a break from people so you can just recharge. Life is hard enough on its own and constantly having to deal with people only makes it that much harder. Detoxing from people and the world is a beautiful way of sort of resetting your mind , body, and spirit, I mean lets be honest, sometimes the days drag on and man it gets hard out there! The ability to find time and relax is essential to happiness no matter which way you look at it because nobody can just go and go and go without getting drained. So remember to relax and detox from people and the world every once in a while.

Its Almost Monday

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Its Almost Monday

Honestly this one speaks for itself lol.

Your Life. Your Choice

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Crush Negativity.

Some people in this life will always be trying to convince you that the step you are taking on your journey are all wrong! Well, This is your life to live, however the hell you want. They do not get a say on how you walk your path because it's not up to them at the end of the day. Walk with confidence and crush the negative opinions of other's under your foot and keep going toward your happiness.

When People Cross That Line

Friday, August 10, 2018

Evict Them From Your Life
Some people need to be removed for the sake of your happiness


People need to know that the space within your sphere is a granted spot that you allowed them to be in and that if they EVER feel the need to overstep and cross a boundary that you have set in place that they can easily be removed. You were not born to suffer under the oppression of others. The choice is yours whether they get to stay in your life or now, so choose wisely.

Don't let people run your well dry

Monday, August 6, 2018

Don't let people run your well dry in life

You need to know when you are giving people too much. Most people will just keep taking more and more of your time/energy/money until they just bleed you dry and NOBODY deserves to be taken for granted like that. Don't let people run your well dry and remember you have to drink from it as well. Know when it's time to evict people from your life. Certain people just have to go if you want to be able to flourish.

The 7 Traits Of Happiness

Friday, August 3, 2018

The 7 Traits Of Happiness

These are just 7 traits of happiness that i have found to be very helpful on the journey to happiness.

The 7 Traits Of Happiness

  • Self-love is going to protect you from the world's negativity.
  • Passion is going to light a fire inside of you that will burn brightly no matter the situation.
  • Courage is going to be needed to face any and all opposition to your happiness.
  • Growth must be constant even if this world would rather see you wilt. 
  • Goals are going to keep you focused and allow you to walk every step with assurance.
  • Perspective is going to allow you to see things for what they are in a world full of lies.
  • Mindfulness will allow you to live in the moment. No more regretting the past and no more fearing the future.

Happiness is a choice

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Happiness is a choice
Positivity is always the best choice

Happiness is a choice and you really have to jump into life as a happy person rather than expecting things to make you happy. Things are not going to make you happy, YOU have to be happy to have things. Happiness is a choice you have to be willing to make for yourself. If you can just change your negative perception to a positive one, you will start to realize how much power you actually have over your happiness you will see just how great life can be.

Be The Light

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Be The Light

  • Embody positivity.
  • Manifest peace.
  • Embrace your self love.
  • Cast away negativity.
  • Exhale fear
  • Inhale a new perspective.
  • Be the light your world needs.
  • Be the light this world needs.