When you're in a relationship with someone, being a priority is a big deal no matter which way you look at it. To be honest its never too much to ask for you and the relationship to be at the very top of your partner's priority list. Let's be real the idea of a relationship implies you are supposed to be in this thing together and with that said you both owe it to the relationship to make each other feel important no matter what. Things in life definitely try to get int he way of prioritizing your relationship, like work, school, and children are just a small example of the things in life that tend to take up priority space in life.

No circumstances in life should make anyone in a relationship feel like they are not even on the priority list at all that just not a healthy relationship no matter which way you look at it. The fact is though some extreme life circumstances may force the priority levels to shift a but it should be a temporary shift not a year long one.
You and your partner need to make sure you are giving equal effort int he relationship otherwise its just going to starve, a relationship has to be fed healthy things to thrive and not feeling like a priority has no nutrients that the relationship can take in for strength. If your partner and you do not even feel special, the relationship is pretty much slowly taking in poison which will eventually kill it. Nobody wants to be in an unhappy relationship. Both people need to always feel equal in the relationship no matter what for it to grow. So always make sure that your relationship is always being prioritized with all your power and do not ever settle for anything less.
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