Insecure Love?

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Insecure Love?  

Insecure Love?  

This single word, this single act! It has destroyed so many relationships it's not even funny....never be the insecure one or allow an insecure partner to push his/her insecurities onto you. You are good enough! never lose that type of thinking, not even for a second. Insecurity is the Relationship killer so avoid it at all costs.You cannot have a secure relationship with an insecure person. 

Light a new, stronger fire inside

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Light a new, stronger fire inside

The feeling of being underestimated is sure to be felt at some point in life but you know what, it tends to have it's advantages. Being underestimated can be the fuel you need to light a new, stronger fire inside which will give you the power to go even higher and get things completed.
Light a new, stronger fire insideJust remember not let anyone deter you from finishing what you started! Trust in yourself and never doubt your rise under any circumstances. Have the courage to be great. 


Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Having too many expectations in any relationship is a very,very bad thing but whats even worse is having unrealistic expectations of the person you supposedly love. With certain obligations placed on the relationship its very possible to strain it, and strain it pretty quickly (strain is always a bad thing!). The problem lies not with having expectations, but some peoples attempt at having such a perfect relationship, that they tend to put a cage around the love instead of letting it roam free and find its own way. realistic expectations that are mutually agreed upon will always be the best route to take in a healthy relationship (It makes life so much easier).  


Consider Your Happiness.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Consider Your Happiness.

You need to consider your happiness in all things! Otherwise this world will try and decide it for you. Take the reigns on your happiness and steer it in whatever direction YOU wish to go,

Shattered Trust Cuts Deep

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Shattered Trust Cuts Deep
You're better off being alone than being with someone who makes you feel alone. Because at the end of the day the person who you were with obviously didn't really care about how you felt and the time spent alone can be used to recharge your mind and spirit. 

Though in all honesty when the trust you put in another is broken, it hurts something awful and once its shattered into pieces the attempt to put it back together is without a doubt one of the hardest things to deal with in life, but some people (not all) are worth going through such an excruciating process, so that you can begin to build the tower of trust up once again brick by brick. Broken trust truly cuts deep right down to the soul of a person, it is such a hard feeling to describe with mere words. All that can be said is stay trustworthy for yourself even if others are prone to betray.    

That's why you should never apologize for leaving a situation to make yourself happier. your health matters and your happiness is important and if the person you are with cannot understand that well then they can be dismissed. Never settle for less than you deserve when it comes to ANYTHING! Life is too short to even begin to live like that.

All is equal in love, it doesn't matter who makes the most money or who has the better education, you should be focused on how to better one another in a positive way and not putting each other down. Love is equal. (that being said both parties should be able to bring something to the table people cannot survive off of love alone)/

Mutual respect is easily one of the most important things to having a healthy relationship, after all what kind of love would come from having zero respect for your one and only (Hint: a very very very dysfunctional one). Everything from words to actions should show that you both appreciate and respect each other because...Love is mutual respect. And if you find that the person you are with cannot understand what *mutual* respect's time to have them hit the road. 

As a couple, progressing in a direction both parties can agree on is a necessity to any healthy relationship. It serves no purpose for a couple to come together only to veer in two different directions, as it will most likely end up hindering the relationship further down the line. 

So if you cannot progress with them it might be for the best that you find someone who is going the same way as you, relationships always work better when synergy takes place of chaos.
Shattered Trust Cuts Deep

In Spite Of The Negativity Around You Stay Positive.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

In spite of the negativity around you stay positive.

Your positive mindset has to be so ingrained in you that it can never be shaken by negative people nor negative situations. It's up to you to live each day with the type of mindset that you want and not the one outside influences tell you that you should have, these outside influences only seek to penetrate and ultimately destroy your place of peace. In spite of the negativity around you stay positive. Therein lies your true power. Use it to combat the whims of the world by protecting your peace and fending off negativity. 

Be Your Own Person.

Monday, May 21, 2018

Be Your Own Person.
You have to be yourself in this world and just tune out those people who try to change who you are because honestly they don't have the right to dictate how you should live your life in the first place. You need to live for you, your peace, and your happiness. It's to live your best life in the best way you know how! Know yourself and accept who you are and you can own the world. Be your own person. Live your own life. Seek your own happiness.

Negativity Doesn't deserve you!

Friday, May 18, 2018

Happiness and positivity deserve you and you deserve them!

Stop letting negative people have a foothold in YOUR life! If a person wants to be a negative influence on your life don't just let them come and go as they please, dismiss them! Your life is way too important to allow negativity to rule over your happiness. Negativity doesn't deserve you! Go where you belong and seek your happiness and sustain your positivity away from the toxic people. Happiness and positivity deserve you and you deserve them!

Get Back to Being Happy!

Its time to focus on your happiness journey.
Reclaim your happiness.

Happiness is a journey! Its going to take a great amount of will to live a happy life and it's within your power to do so if you really want to have lasting positive change in your life. Now sometimes while on this journey of happiness we tend to stop and become stagnant, we easily forget how much action being happy really takes while contending with people,work, money, and life in general. Even in the midst of all these distractions you have to keep going toward YOUR happiness no matter what.You are strong! You will value yourself even more! Its time to focus on your happiness journey.

Built From A Foundation Of Loyalty

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Never give too much energy to people who do not deserve it,

Never allow a disloyal person to overstay their welcome in your life. If they cannot be bothered to be loyal to you, why would you want them in your sphere? That space should always be reserved for the most loyal of people. Disloyal people are only out for themselves and honestly could care less about what happens to you and your feelings so they tend to step on them whenever it benefits them the most. The best thing you can do for yourself is to just love people like that from a distance! Loyalty is one of the most important things in life. The strongest relationships you will have in this world are formed upon a solid foundation of loyalty. Living your life surrounded by loyal people will allow peace and happiness to be more readily available in your life. Never give too much energy to people who do not deserve it,

Fight For Your Happiness.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Fight For Your Happiness.
Fight for your happiness with everything you have! Nobody has the right to challenge your way of living unless you let them. They cannot even begin to understand your meaning of happiness and self-love so let them know that your happiness is not something easily taken, That you won't let it go without a fight.

Live Your Best Life

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Live Your Best Life

Live Your Best Life
Live Your Best Life
Live Your Best Life

Live Your Best Life
Live Your Best Life
Live Your Best Life

You Define Your Own Happiness.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

You Define Your Own Happiness. You Define Your Own Happiness.

The only definition of happiness that should matter to you is your own. Your happiness is not something anyone else should have power over, you deserve better than that. The single most important decision you will ever make in your life is ultimately when you decide to stop waiting for happiness to come to you and instead choose to go seek it out for yourself. This journey to happiness is not supposed to be easy but the road will make you stronger! Happiness is the greatest form of self-love you could give to yourself. Once you find your happiness never let ANYONE or ANYTHING get in the way of it. If it's not making you happy it's not even worth it.

Be a Warrior.

Monday, May 7, 2018

Be a Warrior For Your Happiness
All throughout our lives I'm sure everyone has made some type of excuse as to why they couldn't succeed at something, well the time for excuses is over. Saying things like i can't, its too hard, and it just wasn't my day are just ways to defeat yourself and assure that you never overcome the challenge set before you.. Excuses like these only have one purpose and that's to affect progress in every shape and form and hinder your life. Excuses are the bane of success as it kills optimism in the face of difficult challenges life brings forth.

Excuses are not and should not be confused with genuine reasons as to why something didn't work out, because sometimes things do not go the way we plan at all, with that said excuses need to go, they serve absolutely no good purpose in anyone's life, so stay motivated, move forward, and leave the excuses behind.

Your Freedom.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Your Freedom.
Personal freedom allows you to express yourself in unlimited ways, and once you gain this freedom of self you will find yourself unfazed by the judgement and negativity of others because nothing like that ever bind you again.
The strongest person in the room carries with them personal freedom, they have come into themselves and know exactly who they are, and what they want.
It's always been there for the taking we need only grab it and become unchained.

Little Big Truths

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Never forget these few small truths that are actually very BIG.

Never forget these few small truths that are actually very BIG.

  • Live life the way you want to.
  • Love who you want to how you want to.
  • Never apologize for being who you are even if it changes by the second. They can either adapt or be removed.
  • Accept new opportunities and sudden hardships alike.
  • Forgive the past, Love the present, and prepare for the future. 
  • Be fearless. Why? Because the only purpose of fear is to drive away all love and happiness in your life. You don't need that type of negativity in your life. 
  • Know that you have no need to compare yourself to anyone because you are already a boss.
  •  Be genuinely happy for others and make sure that the people you let in your circle are genuinely happy for you too. 
  • Remember that a little gratitude goes a long way. 
  • Don't let anyone harm your growth in life. You deserve more than that out of life. 
  • Self love is your greatest weapon and your most sturdy shield.

You Have to Live Life On Your Own Terms

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

You Have to Live Life On Your Own Terms
 It's time to live life on your own terms and to do that, tuning out all the senseless remarks people throw at you along the way is essential, they don't deserve to be acknowledged in the first place. Don’t waste words or time on people who deserve not only your silence but the bare minimum of your time. The most powerful thing you can say is nothing at all and just let them watch your rise as they look on in jealousy and spite. Seriously though, before you waste your precious time on being frustrated with what someone has done, think of how precious and irreplaceable your time actually is today and will be tomorrow.  
Give yourself a permanent all expenses paid vacation from the drama that some people want to bring to your life, It can be easily avoided by not engaging in the game they want you to play. Your life is just too important to spend it arguing and fighting for something so meaningless. Take heart and count your blessings, Why not value the people who deserve to be in your life, and move on from the ones to definitely do not with your head held high instead?  Gather your peace and protect it from the negative at all times otherwise they will attempt to take it away from you. 
The ability to not allow people to mess with your positive mindset is what keeps your mind clear, your heart in a peaceful state, and yourself moving forward without anything holding you back.  Constructive criticism is to be taken seriously, but not personally.  Listen to others and consider the words they speak, and then apply your own intuition and wisdom as your guide. Once you have actually decided to live life on your own terms nothing can impeded your rise!
You Have to Live Life On Your Own Terms