Sometimes no matter how hard you try to make things work some people in a relationship just do not mesh, and as you cannot *force* two different puzzle pieces that do not fit to form the right picture, you definitely will not be able to force a relationship to go in the right direction if the compatibility is just not there.You cannot force a relationship to work out.

A strong bond in love is created by immersing in the similarities and
being willing and able to accept the differences while continuing to
grow together as a couple.
are indeed two sides to every emotion. If you reward your lovers
positive attitude with gratitude, they will present that same feeling
again to you (and if they don't they are definitely not the *one*).
Showing others who one really is without exaggeration or deception is paramount in any good relationship.
Showing others who one really is without exaggeration or deception is paramount in any good relationship.
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