The truth is...

Saturday, March 31, 2018

The truth is 
Relationships will be a series of high ups and low downs, laughing, crying, and arguing but at the end of the day if through thick and thin and you can BOTH still find yourself still completely captivated by and looking forward to what tomorrow bring with that same person you will find it was all worth it in the end.

You Could Have Just Been Honest

Friday, March 30, 2018

People like this will slowly drain you of the energy it takes to make a relationship work, (and lord knows it takes a lot of time and effort to make them work) its just not possible for a relationship to be in a good place if the significant other is constantly draining you with issues and constant complaints, fact is this type of lover won't stop until you and the relationship have completely run dry.

Never give people permission to suck your life dry, make it known that such actions are unacceptable and you will not stand for it.   

They Didn't Deserve You

Thursday, March 29, 2018

They Didn't Deserve You
Never apologize for leaving a situation to make yourself happier. your health matters and your happiness is important and if the person you are with cannot understand that well then they can be dismissed. Never settle for less than you deserve when it comes to ANYTHING! Life is too short to even begin to live like that.

Trying to turn a man/woman into a peasant will not make you a King/Queen

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

A strong bond in love is created by immersing in the similarities and being willing and able to accept the differences while continuing to grow together as a couple.
 When things go wrong in a relationship the possibility of fixing it will always be present but if you have to constantly repair the same issues over and over again the emotional and physical cost begins to rise higher and higher, and once that cost begins to outweigh the benefits of the repair. moving on might just be the best course of action find someone who isn't so prone to needing repair.

 Sometimes no matter how hard you try to make things work some people in a relationship just do not mesh, and as you cannot *force* two different puzzle pieces that do not fit to form the right picture, you definitely will not be able to force a relationship to go in the right direction if the compatibility is just not there.You cannot force a relationship to work out.

A strong bond in love is created by immersing in the similarities and being willing and able to accept the differences while continuing to grow together as a couple. In any relationship similarities and differences will without a doubt become apparent and with that being said, one should relish in the similarities within the relationship but do not forsake the differences just yet because they can sometimes become way for you and the one you love to explore new things together (who knows those very differences might become new similarities!).  
A strong bond in love is created by immersing in the similarities and being willing and able to accept the differences while continuing to grow together as a couple.

There are indeed two sides to every emotion. If you reward your lovers positive attitude with gratitude, they will present that same feeling again to you (and if they don't they are definitely not the *one*).
Showing others who one really is without exaggeration or deception is paramount in any good relationship.

Walk With Secure Steps.

Walk With Secure Steps
Be secure in the steps you take going forward. That's the only way to get to where you are destined to be in life! If you are insecure in every step you take you will surely fall and that will make the journey that much more difficult. You have the power to secure yourself and move toward your own happiness! Its time to walk with secure steps!

Being Loyal Isn't That Difficult

Monday, March 26, 2018

Being Loyal Isn't That Difficult

Honesty with a spouse or anyone really goes a long way in creating a stable and healthy relationship, if one cannot be honest with someone they love and saying how they feel without holding anything back something is very wrong within the relationship. Love is about two people's feelings being considered and taken seriously at all times.
Take the honesty out of a relationship and what you are left with is a lot of caring and a big question mark as far as trust is concerned.  And nobody wants a giant question mark sitting in the middle of a good relationship tanking up the valuable space where trust should occupy.

 Trusting another person comes down to a personal decision and if that person decides to let you down...Remember they made a choice to do so and since everyone deserves to be with a truthful and caring person if you find they can no longer be that, then why stay any longer?

 It's very hard to trust a person to do the right thing after they have crossed that line and staying in the relationship may cause you unnecessary strain in your life. Let them make the choice because its ultimately up to you how many lies you are willing to put up with in the end.
Never apologize for leaving a situation to make yourself happier. your health matters and your happiness is important and if the person you are with cannot understand that well then they can be dismissed. Never settle for less than you deserve when it comes to ANYTHING! Life is too short to even begin to live like that.


Friday, March 23, 2018

A relationship is commitment, trust, loyalty, friendship, honesty, compatibility. A relationship is love and passion, a link between two people that should be impossible to break because nobody else in this world could make them feel as complete. A relationship is two people that share their ideals and goals in life. Is knowing that when you are with that special someone who makes you feel secure and the world just seems to stop turning when you are with them.
  Love should be continuous and if that partner cannot give continuous love the relationship needs to end.  Under no circumstance should one find themselves in a situation where they are receiving anything less.
 This is what love should make you feel like. This is what love is made of. 

I'm moving forward regardless of my flaws

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

I'm moving forward regardless of my flaws

    Don't ever compare yourself to another we are all unique and you are one of a kind.

When you truly love yourself  the way you perceive everyday life will change for the better. You will find that you can easily accept your flaws and continue moving forward. Accepting yourself is akin to looking at the same mountain from totally different angles and even though the view may change from time to time the object (You) is still just as beautiful and vast as before.

 Insecurity is a vile thing attempts to stop us from being happy and confident in our ability to simply trust in ourselves, but insecurity is merely another wall in the way of happiness that must be removed by self love. So whatever you do always remember to love yourself and don't give insecurity the foothold your happiness deserves.

On this journey known as *LIFE* no matter how well things are going, we will always happen upon some type of wall that seeks to thwart our attempts of forward progress. When things block our path we must have the courage and tenacity to go right through it! Whether it be negative people or a case of bad circumstance, the progress in your life must never be stopped.

  So i say, lets all just overcome the insecurities concerning whatever flaws we may have and progress to our happy and successful futures, without letting anything stop us because its time to know our true worth and BECOME UNSTOPPABLE!

Walking Away From Toxic People

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Being rooted in the present, you will find that propelling your life forward is much easier without those thoughts of the past weighing you down.
Ever found yourself thinking of the past and questions like this started popping up? What was I thinking? How did I let that happen? If i could just change that would I be better off now? I know i have, and I'm sure a majority of us have all experienced some type of regret whether it be a thing or person but we all need to let those negative thoughts and people of the past fade into oblivion. Being rooted in the present, you will find that propelling your life forward is much easier without those thoughts of the past weighing you down. Once you free yourself from it, happiness and success is well within reach.
Negative thoughts of the past will always try to find a way to the surface, but that doesn't mean we have to let it take root. Once it is understood that we all have way better opportunities ahead of us than we ever had behind us, expelling such thoughts is easy.


People can make finding some sort of serenity in this world very difficult, But there are ways to combat the chaos that the world seems so fond of. For example Empathy is a great way to find inner serenity because it allows you to put yourself in someone else's shoes and appreciate your life more. Everyone has a different way to attain tranquility in life but when acquired it all becomes so much more enjoyable.

 It takes quite a bit of work to reach this state of happiness, many people and life's circumstances will become walls that try to prevent us from reaching such a place of serenity, but sometimes the biggest obstruction of all in finding inner peace can be ourselves. Serenity begins and ends with you.

Force Negativity To Distance Itself From You

Monday, March 19, 2018

Force Negativity To Distance Itself From You
Every time you succeed at something there is always going to be that one person in the corner turning green at the fact that you are finally where you want to be in life, That you finally got a win.  IGNORE THEM AT ALL COSTS. The type of person who spends anytime at all worrying about what YOU are doing in your life, for YOURSELF and only has negative things to say about it instead of having something nice to say is no friend of yours.negative people are definitely better off being kept from your presence.
  At the end of the day personal happiness is important and anyone who is not happy about you being happy honestly needs to go.

If they can't stand to watch your success then tell them to look away.


Focus On Your Climb And Not Mine

Friday, March 16, 2018

Your #1 Source for Motivational, inspirational, Life, and Relationship quotes
BE EAGER and steadfast in the pursuit of your own happiness and never let people tell you how you should climb. This mountain was made for YOU to climb in the exact way only you can.

Sometimes you just have to remind people exactly who is in control of your life.And that's you.

Your #1 Source for Motivational, inspirational, Life, and Relationship quotes
Your #1 Source for Motivational, inspirational, Life, and Relationship quotesReclaim that Fire inside If it doesn't set your soul ablaze whats the point? That goes for relationships, job and life in general. Why continue doing something that does not make you happy? why continue to be around people who do not really have your best interests in mind? Why keep that job that takes a bit of your souls fire each day? Anything that tries to put that fire out inside needs to be eliminated.

You Deserve This

Your #1 Source for Motivational, inspirational, Life, and Relationship quotes
Go out with friends, listen to some music, go out on a random adventure, dance around the house if need be. Just remember that free time is a must for anyone who wants to live a happy life, people's brain's need time to wind down from all that day-to-day stress in life, otherwise we will find ourselves feeling overloaded and overburdened and that is never a good feeling so go have some fun!

Forget the failure Look for the success in the trial.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

At one time or another everyone has felt the sting of failure in life, that feeling of having the finish line in sight but never crossing it. But for every failure we have experienced, there is also a lesson that can be learned and used to strengthen our ability to succeed.
Whatever attitude is carried with failure will show how well one can cope with it and move on to the next issue at hand.
Look for what was done right, what can be done a bit better, and what can be done about it at present.  

Don't let present fear turn you against who you are becoming

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Don't let present fear turn you against who you are becoming

Fear: noun : anticipation of the possibility that something unpleasant will occur.
It's been felt by everyone who has ever tried to succeed at something in life, a type of feeling that creeps up slowly and we start to think something bad is going to happen that will bring about unwanted consequence. Though fear seeks to shroud our minds and choke off our positivity we cannot let it get the best of us, we are better than that, we stronger than that!
Even though fear can be paralyzing in nature, our willpower is stronger still, so never give up on happiness and success in life because of it.
Step out of your comfort zone.

While comfort is zone is well... *comfortable*, a time will come in life when you are called to step out of it and explore the unknown, and by doing so you will find yourself more confident and better able to adapt to certain situation's that spring up. Being stuck in this zone can also lead you into the land of missed opportunity which is never a good place to be, and worst of all it can limit the chance of living life to the fullest.

So i encourage everyone (myself included) to step out of your -comfort zone- every once in awhile and break the barrier of fear we have created for ourselves and success will come into sight shortly thereafter.

For the people we wasted too much time on

Monday, March 12, 2018

No more wasting time on the wrong people! Its time to nourish your own life with the sustenance it needs to thrive.
We have everything to gain from no longer wasting time on the wrong people. Our dreams, our happiness, our self-love, our epic life, heck our peace of mind! And those are just some of the benefits of letting them go! But we are often too focused on the people who truly only want to use us and abuse us and completely devour our kindness just to enrich their lives all the while leaving you destitute. Well its time you gain new perspective on who exactly still needs to be in YOUR life for YOUR happiness. It's your turn to care about you. No more wasting time on the wrong people! Its time to nourish your own life with the sustenance it needs to thrive. 
If a person does not enrich your life in some manner they are just not supposed to be in your life. 


Thursday, March 8, 2018

Many Motivational Quotes. Daily Thought: Fulfilled
You cannot just continue to bury the sadness you feel deep down, because no matter how deep the hole is it will sit and fester in the ground all the while gaining more and more power from each future situation without ceasing until it can eventually claw its way up to the surface and overtake everything you are. Make no mistake, depression is alive and we give it a steady supply of nourishment when we refuse confront it face to face before it gets too big and too strong for us to fend off. So defeat your sadness before it defeats you. Let courage be your shield and hope your sword.

Make you the priority

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Whether positive or negative, Our thoughts can influence how we feel and act, thoughts can be powerful forces that can propel us forward into success or stop us in our tracks which can be depressing. With that said becoming more in tune with how to disrupt the negative thoughts with the positive ones becomes much more important when facing life's hurdles, if you start having thoughts like (there is just no way in hell i can get over this hurdle) it may cripple your ability to even try, but if you have thoughts like (I can definitely get over this hurdle) though its not a 100% guarantee that you will succeed, you may just find that inner strength to push the issues out of the way.

These negative and positive thoughts will always be in a never ending war, but one should strive to make sure that negativity is losing more battles overall.

 Make you the priority

Why to Enjoy Life

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Many Motivational Quotes. Daily Thought: Enjoy Life
Everyone pretty much has some type of goals in life, some have one or two maybe even three that they are planning to have come to completion, goals are a great way to ensure that one has the drive to go toward something even greater than before.
Achieving ones goals can be difficult at times. Given the uncontrollable circumstances of life and the negative people who think they know what your goals should be before you do (I really dislike people like that). But it is not impossible by any stretch to attain those goals, just never give up, have patience, and set a realistic completion date that way you are more likely to reach it by that set time. 
Procrastination is the enemy

When trying to accomplish something in our lives there are times when motivation begins to diminish, which is extremely counter productive to reaching a goal. Some reasons for this could be personal issues getting in the way, negative people around you sapping any positive energy like a vacuum, and a possible lack of direction and focus on the goal.
Sometimes one just has to dig deep inside and motivate themselves, stop overthinking it and just take it step by step, all the while gaining the necessary momentum toward a goal. We can all do it just, stay positive, know what you want, and go get it. It won't be easy by any means BUT it will be worth it.      

The Journey

Monday, March 5, 2018

Many Motivational Quotes. Daily Thought: The Journey
The ability to accept your partner (and vice-versa) for who they are in the moment you fell in love with them and not with the person who they *may* become is without a doubt a major key to a successful relationship. Nobody wants to be with a person who refuses to accept the present for what it is.
Any relationship that lacks true honesty is doomed from the get go, because eventually the lies will build up and come crashing down destroying everything you both have toiled to build, however with communication and forgiveness is can definitely be amended but the relationship will be forever changed dishonesty is a hard thing to get over( to say the least). honestly honesty is an essential building block to a sturdy love.
Knowing what you want out of the relationship beforehand is always a good thing. being up front and vocal about it is also for the best because mixed signals can lead to horrible things(very horrible lol), and never ever ever ever settle for less. commit to being happy within any relationship you choose to enter whether its for a short time or a long stay. 

A Deeper Understanding

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Many Motivational Quotes. Daily Thought: A Deeper Understanding  
  • The thing about all good relationships is that it requires you to love and to be loved by someone who is without judgement, But for that to be possible one has to have a deeper understanding of what true acceptance really is. And that's a true rarity in this world.
  • Its ok to get annoyed but its not ok to STAY annoyed. Let it go for the sake of the relationship. forgiveness is paramount. 
  • Take the time to listen and understand one another on a deeper level. Intimacy comes in many different shapes and forms. 
  • Take the time to get a better understanding of each other's sexual needs. Bad sex will ruin a relationship before you know it so be vocal about what you want and be an avid listener to the needs of your partner and expect the same in return.
  • Pay attention to each other and always have an eye for the small details. When you are having a conversation immerse yourself in what your partner is saying and expect nothing less from them. Nobody wants to feel ignored. 
  • Make your partner feel important. In fact make them feel like they are the only being in the universe alongside you. and make sure they reciprocate the feeling.  
  • Body language can be subtle but it is up to you to be able to notice those small changes be sure to take the time to peer deeper. 
  • Always support your partner. Always offer that helping hand and be willing to accept it from your partner too. Support is one of the reasons a relationship can weather so many storms in this life. So support one another through the good and the bad. 
  • Sit down and talk about what you two want out of life and get on the same page. A relationship will never work if you are going in two separate directions.
  • Always make space for alone time. No matter what else is going on a relationship can only work if you two are always working in harmony. You have got to feed the fire.
  • Do not use each others faults or insecurities as a weapon in an argument. disagreements happen in every relationship but that does not mean you forget that you are ultimately a team, strike too hard and you may mortally wound the relationship. 
  • The Good times with each other should always outweigh the bad at the end of the day. 
  • Move on from selfish ways of thinking its no longer just about you or just about your partner. Its about the *relationship between you two*. This connection is not just about one person, but two.
  • Do not suffocate each other and leave some room to breathe and to grow. Too Much of anything is usually a bad thing. All things in moderation. 

Master these few skills and watch how well your relationship can flourish.

Save Some Good For Yourself

Friday, March 2, 2018

Moving on from what has happened in the past is no easy thing to do; and yet still it must be done in order to truly appreciate the present and all it has to give. The world loves to trick us into focusing on the wrong things, at the wrong time, and past hurts are just one of many weapons that it uses against us. The grief, pain, and missed chances, tend to weigh on our mind. When we put all of our focus and energy on them after a while they just become heavier and heavier, until it's simply to much to handle. This type of thinking can literally halt our present progress to the point that the future begins to look bleak. The only thing that can be done about this is to come to terms with all the effects these many past experiences has had on you. You cannot change what happened, but you can change how you view it. Forming new habits is a must to embrace the present. Simply become a better you.  A you that can learn from, and accept the past; a you that enjoys living in the present; and a you who is preparing for the future.     

Calm Your Mind

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Many Motivational Quotes. Daily Thought: Calm Your Mind
Set time aside.

In life we are almost always constantly running around and trying to get things done mostly in a work and family setting, and sometimes it can get overwhelming. Resting and recharging is needed to get ready for the next barrage of life. Setting time aside for yourself will grant some relief from the hustle and bustle and give some clarity.

Sometimes we spend so much time and energy helping others that we forget that we are important too and need to take care of ourselves sometimes, every ounce of energy does not need to be expended on others so save some for yourself. Set time aside!  

 And for those people in life who do not understand that alone time means... ALONE TIME! Put your foot down and make them understand.