6 small truths

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Many Motivational Quotes. Daily Thought: Six small truths
                                                   Remove Bad People From Your Life

When people know too much about the moves you are making in life they tend to either hate on what you are trying to accomplish or want something from you to propel themselves in a certain direction. Sadly not everyone who says they like/love you really does, some just stay connected because they are receiving some type of benefit that's either physical or emotional.

So move in silence and avoid the issues that come with being too loud.

 Slow down in life. 

Take time and enjoy the world without thinking about all those troubles for just a moment, kick back and enjoy a nice breeze once in a while.
Troubles will come and go in life but the ability to relax a little is essential in finding solutions that can help you overcome.

 Dealing With The Ungrateful 

Ever had people in your life that you bend over backwards for and they seem to just ask for more, some even go so far to say "You aren't doing enough" ? I'm sure we all have that type of person hanging around and let me just say it can be the most annoying thing in the world sometimes. Dealing with these types can be hard indeed but here is... 5 ways to deal with ungrateful people.

1: Set up boundaries of when,what, and how you will help this type to avoid issues before they arise.
 2: Speak up about how you are feeling about this types actions without a moments hesitation.
  3: learn the word no, keep it close and be ready to use it often.
4: Help these types less and yourself more.
5: If all else fails its time to Reevaluate if you still need this person in your life.

Protect your Happiness
Even once true personal happiness has been acquired, on the road to gaining it many people who you once thought would never leave will probably be gone and replaced by new people more In-tune with who you have come to be. And let's not forget its a constant struggle to protect such happiness from those who would will it gone. I guess what I'm saying is even after you reach happiness there is still more work to be done but you are better prepared to deal with it. 

 Slow down in life. 

Take time and enjoy the world without thinking about all those troubles for just a moment, kick back and enjoy a nice breeze once in a while.
Troubles will come and go in life but the ability to relax a little is essential in finding solutions that can help you overcome. 

In the end

If you are not going forward in life, then you are not growing as a person. Personal growth is so important because it brings about great development in your life that will further increase happiness and success, without growth what would be the point in living you would just be stuck doing the same old thing day to day with nothing changing. Even if its small, any type of seed will eventually grow into something larger.

Self improvement isn't easy but it's always possible to improve on *something* in your life, because no single person is perfect. Such growth will bear fruits in the workplace, schooling, and your personal life in tremendous ways, opportunities will begin to show themselves, self- esteem skyrockets (which is always a good thing.), and healthy relationships begin to form (I mean who wants an unhealthy relationship? (Those can be horrible.) 

human development is a lifelong journey, but with the right attitude and drive it will all come together.

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